Docker for Devops

990 students enrolled

Docker for Devops

990 students enrolled


What will I learn?

  • Install docker on your machine.
  • Install web server image and container for web applications through docker.
  • Managing different containers and builds or images (versions for your apps).
  • Manage containers on dockers hub and import the images from docker cloud.
  • Managing builds of your applications or servers.
  • Manage apps on different remote machines with docker clustering tool swarm.


Docker lets you design the entire cycle of application development, testing, and distribution, and manage it with a consistent user interface. Docker benefits you to install all the software or libraries those are required for your web applications like Python, WordPress or PHP etc without creating or install or launching any virtual machine or cloud platform on host OS. You will get the knowledge of virtualizations and containerization in docker and how is it different to cloud virtualization.


  • A computer with at least 4GBs of RAM running Windows, OSX or Linux.

Audience and Requirements

  • Anyone who wants to learn how to utilize Docker
  • Anyone who desires to deploy a web application in an automated method
  • Anyone who desires to save money by self-hosting their own web apps
  • Anyone who wants to scale-up their career by improving their DevOps skills


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